Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pity Pot

Have any of you ever felt bad and just wanted to wallow in your own self pity? If yes then that is called sitting on your pity pot.
Let me tell you something, GET OFF IT!!!!!! You do not need to be on a pity pot your self. Don’t moan and groan about your problems and troubles. Do you really think that God wants to hear that? I mean come on He is a busy guy why in the world would He want to hear us moan and complain about everything if we don’t want to do anything for ourselves to make it better? Now maybe if you make yourself better and show God that you are willing to change yourself and your life, then He might help you with your troubles. I know He has helped me personally with mine. I gave all my troubles and problems to God and got off of my own pity pot.
PASTOR JOHN COLLINS at BRINGING BACK GOD has preached many times about self pity. Jesus Christ died on the cross for us to take away our sins. He never pitied himself. He never complained. He never cried for Himself. He took the beating that was given to Him and was crucified and His blood flowed down from Calvary and never once got on a pity pot. He did it for us to save us. And we in return sit on our own pity pots and moan and complain. That is unacceptable of us! “We need to get up,” as PASTOR JOHN says, “Get up and get sanctified, baptized, get our head in the bible and glorify that cross!”
We all have to be a better us and get off of our pity pot. It isn’t healthy for us and to be honest it is the work of the devil. That is something that nobody wants to be a part of. I mean come on, do you really want the devil working on you? It means that you don’t get to go see the Almighty and live in Heaven with Him one day. It means the place of fire and gnashing teeth. Why would you want that if you can do something now?Get down on your knees and pray. Pray everyday and show God that you are working hard to get off your pity pot. Cause honestly if you don’t, then you are just letting the devil keep a hold of you. Do you really want that in your life? Really? Is that really where you want to go? Me, No. I do not think so. I would rather GET OFF THE PITY POT and go to Heaven.
At BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN PASTOR JOHN COLLINS talks has said many times, “You can’t be a twenty three and a half hour Christian. And you won’t find any twenty three and a half hour Christians in Heaven.” This means that you cannot do God’s will for twenty three hours of the day and then in the last half hour you whine about a hardship in your life. That people is a pity pot. It won’t get you to where you want to go. So the next time you want to moan and complain about something in your life, think about this. Is whatever it is that you are facing harder then being whipped and then being crucified on a cross with railroad tie sized nails in your hands and feet? No? Then get over your problem and get back to doing God’s will. Stay off that pot because it is just not a good place to be.
If anyone would like to learn more on this topic you can visit BRINGING BACK GOD in BRISTOL, TN or in MARIETTA, PA. Have a talk with PASTOR JOHN COLLINS or just come to Glorify our Lord.
God Bless You All!
The Church Girl Goer

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Do You Have FAith

Have you heard the story about the American that told a French tightrope walker he'd pay him a million dollars if he would come to America and walk blindfolded across Niagara Falls? Well the French guy came and walked a tight robe across the Falls blind folded with a wheelbarrow. When he got to the other side he asked the American, "Do you have faith that I could do it?" The American said, "I jut saw you do it." The French guy said, "But do you have faith that I can do it?" The American said, "I just saw you do it." The French guy asked again, "But do you have faith that I can do it?' The American repeated again, "But I just saw you do it." The French man asked again, "Yes, but do you have faith that I can do it?" Finally the American said, "Well of course I have faith in you, I just saw you do it." "Good," The French guy said, "You are getting in the wheelbarrow and we are going back across."
The point of this story is is you can have two kinds of faith. There is faith by believing only. And then there is faith by believing and showing works. This type of faith is what is talked about in James 2:14-26. You see James says that faith without works is dead. But faith and showing your work, now that is true faith. That is the kind of faith that Abraham showed when he was willing to sacrifice Issac on the alter. It is the kind of faith that Rahab showed when the messengers entered her home and she protected them when her home was searched.
Pastor John Collins at Bringing Back God in Bristol, TN states, "That one of the more serious problems we have in Christianity is that people say they have faith but they do very little to prove their faith." He states that, "You can not believe in Jesus Christ, believe in God our Father, believe in that cross, say you have faith but do not live by the Bible." It isn't hard to have common courtesy and follow the commandments that were given to Moses. It isn't hard to sit down and read the Holy Bible. It isn't hard to get down on your knees at night and pray for thanks and forgiveness. But how many people actually do all of this? That is the problem. Just because you say that you will do it is one thing. But actually following through and doing, well then you will be on the right path to see god one day.
James goes onto team us that once we have received salvation, and that we establish a genuine relationship with God, then works that reflect our relationship with God must flow from within us. It will be natural and come as a second nature to you.
If you would like to find out more information on this topic or if you have any questions, stop on by they church. It is located at 1505 Broad Street, Bristol, TN. Bringing Back God. Or give us a call and talk to Pastor John at 423-274-8110.
God Bless You, The Church Girl  Goer.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hi All.
So today I want to talk about heroes. One of my favorite heroes is Paul.
What do we know about Paul? Right off the top of my head I can tell you:
1) That Paul used to be Saul
2) He was an apostle
3) He used to kill all people that followed Jesus
4) He changed his ways and became a very strong believer of Jesus
5) He wrote many letters in the New Testament
That is the basics of Paul. But there has to be more to his story than just those five points. Think about it to yourself, what do you know about the apostle Paul?
Did you know that he was studying to become a Pharisee? Did you know that he believed in the Old Testament and everything that pertained to God? Did you know that he had a vision on the way to Damascus of Jesus? Did you know that he was blind for three days? Did you know that in today’s world we would have seen Paul (Saul) as a terrorist for all the acts he committed before he was changed?
Saul went around killing followers of Jesus Christ in the name if God. He had a declaration from the Romans stating that it was okay for him to kill Jesus followers. In today’s world that is a terrorist. Is there any other way to look at it? Not really. Would you say that any of this work is the work of a hero? My answer would be no.
Pastor John Collins stated at church service the other day, “God does not recruit heroes. Not many mighty are called, not many noble, not many powerful, not man great as the world count greatness are called. God doesn’t go for big names to populate heaven. He takes ordinary folks and then does extraordinary things through them. But even that isn’t the full story. When God wants to recruit some front line soldiers for his army, he goes into the enemy camp and rounds up a handful of the orneriest, meanest, toughest, roughest, and wildest looking sinners he can find. The he draws them to Christ, saves them, justifies them, converts them, sanctifies them, cleans them up, fixes them up, dresses them up, and then sends them out to do battle in the service of the Kings of Kings.”
Think about that. He picks ordinary people that are sinners and converts them so that they can do His will and one day makes it into the Kingdom of Heaven. If God would choose someone like Paul to do His will and convert then that gives all of us hope that we can change to do His will too.
So if you ever feel down and out or like there is no hope left for yourself I want you to think about Paul. Think about what his life used to be like until God entered it. Think about how God chooses ordinary people. Think about how God chooses sinners. If Paul can be saved and do great things than so can you and I.
If you want to learn more about Paul or have any questions about the bible, check out Pastor John Collins at Bringing Back God in Bristol, TN.
Love you guys and God Bless You!
The Church Girl